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Ultimas Noticias

Lehen Hezkuntza - Primaria



As part of the school's integrated project, Trueba For change, we have been working on the senses in the classrooms of the 5-year-olds. 
Students have identified the five senses that we use daily in our everyday lives for assessing the various objects that surround us. 
But... what if we were a blind person? 
In order for children to be able to feel and appreciate how a blind person functions in their daily routine, we used a mask that prevented them from seeing their surroundings. 
We have used "the mystery box" to smell, listen, taste and hear a number of objects that we could not see and to simulate what a blind person's life is like. 
"Eating totally in the dark", as a blind person would do, has been an unforgettable experience and "walking with the help of a companion-guide" has made us understand better the reality of how visually impaired people live. 
The experience has been rewarding, because the students have been able to appreciate the difficulty and the effort that a person who cannot see has to make every day. 


En las aulas de 5 años y dentro del proyecto integral de centro Trueba For change, hemos trabajado los sentidos. 
El alumnado ha identificado los cinco sentidos que utilizamos a diario en nuestra vida cotidiana para hacer valoraciones sobre diferentes objetos que nos rodean. 
Pero… ¿quĂ© pasarĂ­a si fuĂ©ramos una persona ciega? 
Para que los niños pudieran sentir y apreciar cĂłmo se desenvuelve una persona ciega en su rutina diaria hemos utilizado un antifaz que les impedĂ­a ver el entorno 
Hemos utilizado “la caja de los misterios” para oler, escuchar, degustar y oĂ­r diferentes objetos que no podĂ­amos ver y simular asĂ­ cĂłmo es la vida de una persona ciega.. 
“Comer totalmente a oscuras”, tal y como lo harĂ­a un invidente, ha sido una experiencia inolvidable y “caminar con la ayuda de un compañero- guĂ­a” nos ha hecho comprender mejor cuál es la realidad que viven las personas con discapacidad visual 
La experiencia ha sido gratificante, porque el alumnado ha podido comprobar la dificultad y el esfuerzo que una persona que no puede ver tiene que hacer cada dĂ­a.

CLOSE YOUR EYES / CIERRA TUS OJOS Reviewed by Trueba For Change on mayo 15, 2019 Rating: 5

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